When it comes to cakes, frosting, and decorating, I, hands-down, always prefer piped decorations over gumpaste or sugarcraft work. Why? While I do think you can make extraordinary, beautiful things with sugarcraft, it's more just for the aesthetics than anything else. Well, I mean you CAN eat the layer of fondant and the sugar flowers if you really wanted to.....but really, anything buttercream is going be much tastier. In the world of food, taste > looks.
I'm all for trying to strike a balance between both the pretty and the practical, and buttercream allows me to find that. I also like the imperfect look of piped, buttercream cake - it feels more homemade... and looks more edible too.
I made these cupcakes for my boss' daughter on her birthday and decided to try something new with the buttercream, instead of doing the same ol' swirls. So I search around the ol' faithful internet and found a great video tutorial on how to make these flower designs on cupcakes using just a regular piping bag and two different petal tips (sigh...I really am a huge fan of YouTube). Anyways, a couple of practice cupcakes later and I had a whole mess of flowers crowding me in the kitchen!
It's a really easy technique to get down, and I recommend it if you're tired of doing swirls but want something that isn't too fancy. The only thing I couldn't really do is to get that two-tone colour going the whole time (the petals are supposed to fade from white to pink, or white to purple), and it's probably because my frosting was way softer than what they use in the tutorial so it all got mushed together in the bag. Check out the vid below! :)
both you and the video say that it's easy to do the flower designs. but it didn't look that easy in the video...